Let's make containers simple!

A fresh start!

Unlock the true power and flexibility of containers.

Easy orchestration

Provision servers in seconds. Manage containers across servers effortlessly.

Network overlays

Connect containers across servers with layer 2 and layer 3 overlays.

Distributed storage

Build flexible storage pools spanning servers that can be shared on demand

Service discovery

Service discovery out of the box. Containers publish services and checks on startup.

Load balancing and HA

Deploy load balancers to scale workloads across servers seamlessly

Scale without complexity.

Build a solid foundation

Simplify container management. Benefit from a standard app environment across bare metal, VMs and containers.

Simplify your infrastructure

Use standard OS environments, networks, tools and terminology. The magic is not containers but what you can do with them. Focus on your apps.

Automated builds

Build on demand. Define and deploy containers, networks, storage, load balancers across servers.

Job scheduler

Schedule and deploy jobs across clusters.

App Store

Flockport ships with a large library of applications that can be deployed in minutes.

Cluster services

Provision managed databases, webservers and more across servers.